Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hegetor oneiron: to Hermes in the heart

Hegetor oneiron
Leader of dreams
Hermes in the heart
Transit of the moon
Giver of words and goodly speech
Interpreter and advocate for humans

You of the golden wand and winged feet
Sender of true oracles
who speaks through sacred dreams
and weaves shimmering threads of sympathy

Guide of souls
Helmsman between the worlds
You escort the souls of your chosen
You call back lost souls
You raise the dead

Lord of many ways
I am your watchman
By day give me your signs
By night grant me your skill
to read in dreams what is and will be

- inspired by an invocation of Hermes in Papyri Graecae Magicae (Greek Magical Papyri) translated by Hans Dieter Betz, XVIIIb: 1-23. Hegetor oneiron ("ruler [or leader] of dreams") is a praise name in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes.

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